Wednesday, October 9, 2019

statement of intent

Statement of intent
 The concept for my music video is all to do with the 70s pop music videos, with all of the costumes as well as targeting for the old VHS style that would be common at the time because normally people only had VHS players because new technology such as blu ray was not introduced at the time. This was also a time when people only rented from blockbuster and Netflix wasn’t a big company at the time and wasn’t completely crushing it. My shoots will mostly be old time shots so such as an angled birds eye view shot as well as close ups and still mid shots to create this atmosphere of old camera quality.
 My locations for all my shots will either be in London, namely Kensington, or in the backstreets of Chelmsford to get a naturally grainy film because of the rustic vibes from brick walls and old warehouses and such. My shots roughly last 4 – 20 seconds long and overall I will have about 50 scenes in my video so I can get the necessary amount of footage and scenery to make my style burst out of the video and really represent my artist for what he is. Representation will also be a very big deal because I must include people of different origins for the fact that everyone needs a shot at fame so I want to let others to have a chance at a shot without barriers of the social background.
 Costume is going to be a major thing as well as I really need to get a feel for the 70s vibe so I am going to need to wear stuff like denim, suede, fur, etc. I will also use suit jackets that are overly baggy to really show the trend for the time which was either style of sustenance or sustenance over style, there wasn’t really a grey area in the seventies when it came to fashion as it was mainly hipster or business, either way they still had that vibe about them with overgrown hair and weird facial hair, so I will also include things such as a weird beard and overgrown hair because it will suit the fashion style for my theme.
I am also trying to copy the style of the videos from the 70s such as Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl" and "Piano Man". This is to represent the style of the time with smooth transitions and brown grungy colours and faded blue and grey colours to really emphasise the inspiration taken from these videos. I will be incorporating dance moves as well as it was a 70s thing to do for a music video because you couldn't find a music video without an upbeat dance, this is the same for the performance side of things as well as most videos would be done as stage performances with dancers. However I plan to adapt this concept by having both performance and dancing but I will be moving location whilst doing it, so the locations would be woodland, Kensington, Chelmsford and Promenade Park in Maldon. All these locations have the grungy retro vibe I am looking to incorporate into my music video for intertextuality.
Another huge part of my video is the representation of homosexuality which will be really prevalent inside this music video as it would have to be shown in order to bring it into the spotlight and make it the norm for music videos to contain such representation. To represent this, I plan to have my homosexual partner dance and do flamboyant actions with me, this will be quite simple to do as it is not seen as the norm for men to be flamboyant, so getting my point across will be quite a straight forward path. I hope to convey the story of the obsession of love in all of its light by using eyes to show the affection clearly. I also plan to convey this story with obvious actions like hand holding with pride as well as showing it with a shirt that has rather bright popping colours, another way this can be done is by my partner laying on my shoulder with a comforted face which shows that he is comfortable with his sexuality.
With my website, I plan to add pictures of myself in multiple locations of where the music video will actually be filmed, these locations were listed above in the previous paragraphs. I will be including myself in retro outfits to represent the 70s vibe I am looking to convey, this being mixed with the grungy locations like the promenade park docks and Chelmsford will further elevate the 70s vibe. I also plan to include an interview of myself in order for the audience to get a sense of personality from my artist, this will be only quick fire and random questions to get the most out of my personality, this will be coupled with the song instrumental 'Maneater' by daryl hall and john oates to represent my retro vibes and music tastes to really set the mood of the interview.

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